"The Sequence"


Week 1 – 10g Organic Cacao Powder.

Week 2 – 10g Hershey’s Cocoa 100% Cacao Natural Unsweetened combined with 1g of Nescafe Taster’s Choice House Blend instant coffee.


Week 1 - 3 capsules of Botanic Choice Korean Ginseng.

Week 2 - 1 capsule of Vitamin Shoppe Astragalus


Week 1 – 2g Coffee Flower Tea

Week 2 – 2.5 g Green Tea

Week 3 – 3 g Eco Teas Yerba Mate. Make sure to take yaupon on Friday.

Thursday: .29 g Starbucks via instant Italian Roast combined with 3.21 g Starbucks via Instant Italian Roast DECAF.


Week 1 - 1.5 g Coffee Leaf Tea

Week 2 - 3.0 g Kukicha

Week 3 - 1 bag Catspring Yaupon Pedernales Green Yaupon. This should be taken the same week as the yerba mate.

Saturday: 1 tablet of Ginseng Energy Now taken with 8 drops of Cell Food. The World’s No. 1 Oxygen + Nutrient Supplement since 1969.

Sunday: 2 Tablets of NaturesPlus Mixed Vegetables

*The most important thing is to eliminate all other sources of caffeine from your diet for this plan to work.